Classic/Antique Car Repair: car repair/ going dead, buik regal, vacuum lines
QuestionI own a 1980 Buik Regal and it goes dead when I'm pulling out from sitting at a stop. Keep in mind I have put in a brand new battery and alternator. please tell me what I can do to fix this.
It could be any of the following:
- Carburation
- Engine timing
- vacuum leak; including emissions controls
I would start with a good tuneup. Check all the vacuum lines looking for cracked/broken/disconnected ones. Check engine compression while doing the tuneup. Then if still a problem persists, I would disassemble and clean the carb. Unfortunately, these years have an incredible amount of emissions related vacuum lines and control valves(rather than modern cars with a few sensors and a computer); Some of these can cause engine performance problems.
- Rick