Classic/Antique Car Repair: 71 ford starter, white lithium grease, general motors car
QuestionQUESTION: how to change bendix spring
ANSWER: The 71 Ford did not use a Bendix spring in the starter. Tell me what the car is doing and we will go from there.
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QUESTION: when i start up the car the engine turns over then sometimes it will disengage and spin. this is only when engine is cold or not started in a while. it seems until the engine gets fuel in carb this happens. thanks bill
ANSWER: There are two different starters that could be used on your car. One has a solenoid on the starter very much like a General motors car. The other has a small hump on the starter and only one wire going to the starter assembly. The solenoid unit has two or three wires. the procedure for changing the drive is different for each. let me know which you have.
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QUESTION: The starter on my car has no solenoid on it Thanks Bill
AnswerGood, that is the easy one to do. Remove the starter from the car and take out the two thru bolts. Then there is a pin or bolt that acts as the pivot for the shift fork on the drive end of the main starter frame. Remove it. carefully slide the drive end housing off the assembly. Try not to pull the armature out. Once the shift fork is disconnected and the end housing off the starter drive will slide right off. Lubricate the end frame bushing and the splines that the drive slides over with white lithium grease and reassemble. Any problems let me know.