Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1967 Firebird No Spark at Coil, msd coil, test light
QuestionQUESTION: Hi,
I've got a 1967 firebird with the original 400. I can not get any spark at the coil. I held it 1/2 inch from grounded metal and nothing. When the key is on, my test light is lit so it is getting juice at the coil. Is the voltage regulator not doing it's job ? I've replaced the regulator and the coil recently. This car seems to have sat for 15 years and I'm getting the impression someone had the same problem long ago. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
ANSWER: A question. Does the car have electronic ignition of does it have points in the distributor. In 67 it could be either.
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QUESTION: points.
ANSWER: What engine do you have and which ignition system? Some 67's had electronic ignition. If it has points that could be the problem.
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It's the 400/325 horse with points. I bought a new chrome covered voltage regulator from Summit and a MSD coil for the firebird. I have a 67 lemans that has the same coil and vr and all works, should I swap the voltage regulator and coil and see what happens ? If the points in the firebird are not closing all the way would there not be any spark ? I also had difficulty getting the replacement distributor cap on.
AnswerIf the points do not close when the cam is on the low point there will be no spark. You could have caught the wire to the points between the cap and the distributor body when you were having trouble getting the cap on. Pull the cap and check everything and adjust the points and check them to be sure that they are not burned.