Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1970 Corvette, override switch, voltmeter
QuestionHi I have a stock 1970 Corvette,just lately I can drive some where with it,when I stop and turn it off,It may or may not start.I know there is a clutch override switch,so when this happens ,there is no clicks,and the motor does not turn over.The red light [seat belt on] is the only thing that happens .I`m puzzled ? any help will be appreciated. thanks
AnswerIt sound like it could be the solenoid on the starter, a common problem. But to be sure check all of the cables from the battery to the starter and the battery to ground. Then if you are handy with a voltmeter you can do some voltage checks when the problem is happening. That way you can find where the voltage is stopping and make a diagnosis.