Classic/Antique Car Repair: a car without a VIN number, chevy bel air, good luck jack

Hello, I recently purchased a 1963 chevy bel-air from a guy that had no title. It's a junker but I wanted to see about maybe getting a bonded title for it. My problem is it looks like the VIN number was removed from the door jam and I can't get in touch with the guy that I got it from.

Under the hood, look under the weatherstrip near the cowl, or any other place they have a piece of rubber mounted on sheet metal.  We used to hide a vin number under the rubber part.  Stamped in the metal and then painted.  Also, look on the transmission for a number that is similar to the vin.  If you find a number in either place, go to the license place and tell them your problem and what you were able to come up with.  They should be able to fix you up.
Good luck.

Mike, that chrysler Proving ground down there used to report to me for many years.  That's a very nice place to live.  I was down there on a few road trips before we built the grounds, and for a few meetings after.
Have fun.