Classic/Antique Car Repair: vacuum laek, vacuum leak, head gaskets

i have a 67 big block vette.the car had wrong head gaskets,it ran to hot. i changed them and it solved the problem. i had the car out for an hour and it ran great,and then all of asudden it would not hold an idle. i have tried everything possible to fix it,no good, email me or phone me 4128350433,i need help!!!!

Jimmy, I can't e mail you without your address.  Mine is [email protected]  Those are L's at the end of my name.

Check the torque of you head bolts and make sure they are still tight.  A small vacuum leak in the intake area will cause you to loose idle and it will run good under load and higher speed.  Look for a cracked intake manifold, a bad gasket, or some other place air can get into the idle air stream.  Spray the area with carb cleaner or wd-40 while it is running.  If it clears up. you have found the leak.  Now don't cause a fire when you are doing this.  Be carefull.
E mail me with what you find.