Classic/Antique Car Repair: Cylinder firing order for 1929 Model A Ford, model a ford, clock position

We are trying to find the firing order for a 1929 4 cylinder Ford and location of the number 1 cylinder.

I don't have my manual with me at the moment, but the #1 cyl is the front one and the distributor contact for it is at the 2 o'clock position when viewed from above toward the front of car.  If you stand on the left side of car and look at the dist., it is the contact closest to you on the right, front of car.  
Get the Model A mechanics handbook, written by Les Andrews.  A great book that we all have.  Get the red one, not the green one.  It's about $35 and well worth it.  If you really need the firing order, I can get it for you.  Let me know at [email protected].
Time the engine using a light connected to ground and the movable point arm.  You get the engine to top dead center by reversing the timing pin down near the timing gear and rotate the engine until the pin falls into a dimple in the timing gear.  At that point, the #1 cyl is at DTC.  I won't go into all of the timing procedure here.  You must know that.
Good luck and get back to me if you need more help.