Classic/Antique Car Repair: Ford Toploader 4 speed, clutch problems, linkage problems
Sorry to bother you again but I really appreciate the advice you gave me about my fuel problem. Now I would like to know about the 4 speed toploader transmission in my 66 mustang with a worked 302 engine. I am having a hard time downshifting into 2nd and 1st gear. The clutch has to be all the way to the floor and I have to pull very hard to get it to go into gear. Is this typical with these early toploaders or do I have a syncro problem or perhaps a problem with the clutch or linkage.
Your thoughts are truly appreciated and if you are ever in Washington, I'll buy you lunch.
AnswerHey Geoff,
Its no problem, my first thought on this is your clutch linkage is slightly out of adjustment. The old top loader 4 speeds are tipically a very good transmission. If that doesn't fix the problem I would pill the top cover on the shifter and make sure the splines are meshing together properly. But I'm fairly certain its in the linkage between your foot and the clutch. You should be able to loosen it up under the dash, pull it forward an inch or two and tighten it back down, this should let your clutch engage sooner with less pressure on the lever.