Classic/Antique Car Repair: Brake lights 1966 Corvette, brake switch, switch installation

QUESTION: I have a 1966 Corvette. Recently the brake lights work one day then don't work the next, sometimes only one side will come on. I replaced the brake switch twice, but I'm still having the same problem. After the last brake switch installation the brake lights don't work at all now. Can you help me determine what I need to do and the correct way the brake switch should be hooked up. Thank you.

ANSWER: Do the directional lights work OK? Let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, the directional lights work fine.

The stop light switch sends a single wire voltage up to the directional switch. With the switch in the straight ahead position it contacts both stop light/directional wires sending voltage to each stop light. When the switch is moved to either left or right it then connects the opposite stop light to the stop switch and the other wire to the directional flasher. If one light works when in neutral and the other does not it usually indicates a bad directional switch.