Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1954 Chevy Bel Air transmission slip, dexron iii, chevy bel air
Question"My father left me his '54 Chevy Bel Air with Powerglide transmission.
I live in the mountains of NC and, though the tranny fluid reads full,
I'm feeling slippage on the hills when it gears down. Two questions:
1.what is causing the slippage/anything to be worried about? 2. what's a recommended transmission fluid for this transmission?"
AnswerThe Powerglide transmission does have slippage when climbing hills and such. The torque converter (the fluid coupling) in modern cars has an internal clutch that locks up at speed and eliminates the slipping that was present in the older transmissions, especially the two speeds like the Powerglide. The fluid for your car should be the latest version of Dexron, Dexron III.