QuestionMy truck won't idle, unless I push on the gas a little. After it warms up slightly, it will idle. Then when I try to put the truck into gear, it dies. Sometimes, it stalls at lights or when I come to a complete stop. I bought this truck as a work truck, and would love to keep it running, but it's getting very frustrating. To get it going, I have to step on the break with my left foot, rev up the engine, slightly, then throw it into drive or reverse. I know that's not good for my transmission, which is only a coupla years old, but I have to do that for it to take off without dying. Please please help.
AnswerFirst of all, check for a vacuum leak. Spray carb cleaner all around engine compartment, being careful NOT to get it in the air intake. Seeif the idle changes. If so, you are sucking in air.
For a quick fix, idle it up with the idle screw on the leakage.
When was the last time it had a good old fashioned tune up? Including timing?
If this does not help you are going to have to get carb rebuilt.
Also check vacuum advance on distributor for proper operation.