Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1966 Mustang Inline 6 with Power Brakes, manual brakes, large nipple

I have a 1966 Mustang with a inline 6 and manual brakes. I am wanting to install power brakes before a road trip that my wife and i go on. But i'm having trouble figuring out where i run a vacuum line FROM, so i can hook it up to the brake booster. I've looked all around in my different manuals and can't find a thing the talks about this with a Sprint 200. I have a Autolite 1100 carb, and there is no where for a additional vacuum to come off of. I have also looked on the intake for a tap that was closed off that i might use but found nothing. Is this a lost cause for PB? I hope not. Thanks in advance.

I'm not a mustang guy, but here is what I know about this.  At Chrysler, and I think most cars, we had a "tree" coming off of the intake manifold.  The line to the booster is large, around 3/8in. ID.  The other taps coming off the tree are smaller.  You need a lot of volume to feed that booster, that is why the big line.  Most of the time this tree was standing up verticle.  You may have a tree somewhere, but it may have only small taps coming off of it.  You would need a tree with the big tap.  Join a mustang club and you will have more help than you need; more fun too. The booster must have a large nipple that will give you the size to look for.  
Hope this helps.