Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1973 oldsmobile cutlass supreme 2 dr, oldsmobile cutlass supreme, oldsmobile cutlass

The fuel pump was leaking so I replaced it and now it starts but will not stay running it shuts off shortly after.

Hi Francisco:
My first question is, "did you used the exact same model fuel pump or at least an after-market equivalent? If not, the problem may very well be the PSI (Fuel Pressure) the pump needs to produce is too low for your car.

Engines Up To 400 Horsepower, should use fuel pumps that produces 8 PSI Of Pressure, which delivers Over 80 Gallons Per Hour. So, if your fuel pump is not pushing fuel to the carbs fast enough, that should be the reason it is cutting off.

Also, you may need to change the fuel filter. It could be restricting the fuel pump's ability to push fuel to the engine.

Verify the PSI rating on your pump (base on your engine horsepower) and if the fuel pump meet the PSI rating for your car, then replace the fuel filter.