Classic/Antique Car Repair: 66 mustang locksets replacement, new keys, old cars

I have a 66 mustang and no keys.  I was told that a locksmith couldn't make new keys and I would have to replace all locksets.  Is this true?  If so how difficult is it to replace ignition lockset?

Hi Maureen:
Partially true. If you happen to have the key codes for the car, a locksmith can cut new keys based on the code. It is rare to have this on a car that old, but that is your only option.

Replacing the lock set is not very difficult, just time consuming. You only need to replace the cylinder (insert) not the complete lock.

The Ignition & Door Lock Set is around $35.00. Installation should run another $75 to $100, depending on locksmith. Make sure you deal with someone who specializes in old cars, not home locks.

Go to website below and click on Locks to find locks for your car.