Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1964 impala wont start, starter solenoid, voltage spike

Hi i have a 1964 impala which was running just fine.I took out my battery from my 1964 impala to swap it to my other car and when i put my battery back in to my Impala it wont start.My interior lights work my headlights work but there is no sound from my engine at all.No clicking noise no nothing just silent.What can this be.I also wanted to say that when i put my positive wire on to the battery i heard a wire was frying kind of a sizziling sound towards the drivers side under the hood by the steering wheel.Can you help me please.ThanksRob. my email adress is  [email protected]

Hi Robert:
Sounds like you fried something. Check all of the fuse to see if anything of them blew. The frying sounds may have been a short circuit. Some times when the battery is removed, you have to cut all power as a safety measure. A voltage spike may have occurred when you re-attached the battery. You make have fried the starter or starter solenoid wire. It is a small gauged wire that can burn through on high voltage. So, check both the ground wire and the positive wire to the starter. Most likely these wires need replacing. And check all fuses to be sure you didn't blow one.