Classic/Antique Car Repair: Studebaker 1950, studebaker champion, john elias
QuestionI have a Studebaker Champion car 1950. I rebuilt the carburator and did all the adjustments as described in the shop manual for the float,pump etc... It has a carter WE-715S Carburator. The car starts and runs very nice and runs when cold but when I turn it off after it gets hot, the carburator floods and gasoline comes out on the side towards the engine from a vent hole. Then it is hard to satrt it. After it cools off and the flooding stops, it starts very quickly. Do you have any suggestions to resolve this problem? Thanks. John Elias
AnswerThere is a possibility that the float is sinking. This would allow the fuel under the diaphram that is under pressure to enter the float bowl and flood over. The other is that the needle valve is not seating and allowing fuel into the bowl. Check them both.