QuestionQUESTION: i have changed the alternator,belts and the voltage regulator but the system will not charge when in idle. i seem to lose power also when using lights etc any suggestions
ANSWER: You don't mention how it does when not at idle. Presuming it woerks okay then, you regulator needs adjusting, new or not. Have you checked the output with a volt meter?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: if im driving and use lights or cd player then it will zap power. during the day it seems to do ok the volt meter shows that it is not charging. how do you adjust the regulator. is there any other possibilities any sensors or could it have anything to some fuse, relay etc (something that could be right under our noses)
AnswerNothing magic under my nose, I deal just in facts.
If it is not charging, that IS your problem. Regulator is adjusted by either a screw or bending the contact tab depending on brand. If there is no screw you have to bend.
Just because an alternator is new, does not mean it works. Check each part seperately. Alt shoud put out over 14 volts and that should show up at inlet of regulator (check for poor wiring).
Also, you are saying it does not work well even not idling. Sounds more like alt than reg.