Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1947 Chevy 216, orig miles, marvel mystery oil

I am bringing back to life a 47 fleetline that has been sitting since the 60s I did all the prep with the engine like placing marvel mystery oil in all the cylinders and hand rotating the crank a little at a time for 2 weeks. I drained and flushed the tank, replaced the fuel line from the tank to the carb, new plugs, wires points, cap and rotor. Did a compression test it was good. And it wont fire over. When I first tried it before all of the tune up stuff it ran for a few seconds and died and that was it not spark to the plugs since. I ran 12 volts through the system and recently bought a 6 volt batter replace the condenser and coil and still wont fire. It has to be some thing simple. I get a cross fire at the points but non in the gap or to the plugs. I have played with these cars for well over 20 years but I am lost on this. I know it is electrical and not mechanical. the car has 60 orig miles any info will help
Mel in Tacoma

WOW ! hard to beleive someone set it up with just 60 miles on it, you are a lucky guy.

You story is a little hard to follow, but do you have new 6-volt battery, points, condensor, coil, and resisitor? You story lends to believe your tried 12volts and then went back to 6volt with some of the same equipment. It is possible that you burnt a hole in the rotor if you mixed voltages. ALso run an ohm meter on your new wires including coil wire. your 6volt may not can push them.