Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1942 dodge woody wflt6, vibration damper, drive time
Questionhow too check timing(where are the marks)and specs
AnswerThe timing mark is on the vibration damper on the front of the engine. The timing spec depends on whether or not it has fluid drive. If it does, time it to the second line before the "0", which indicates TDC. If it does not have fluid drive, time it to the "0" mark.
In case the mark is not visible, you can time the engine by listening to it. The way to do that is to drive in high gear at about 30 MPH, and feed it gas in order to accelerate. The optimum setting is when you can just barely induce "pinging" at any position of the throttle. Do this with the gas you are planning to run in it. Set the points first, as this affects the timing. Set them to a gap of 0.020", or if you have a dwell meter, set them to 36 degrees, plus 2 to minus 1 degree.