Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1977 Ford Maverick, ford maverick, automobile literature

PLEASE help me get a vacuum diagram on this car it has a 250 6cyl, auto, and I have been trying for over 6 mos to find a diagram. I want the car as factory as possible. I am mechanically restoring it in my shop, at a school for special needs kids. The kids REALLY want to hear it run. HOWEVER! they are also the ones who lost the hand drawn map I made of the vacuum lines. LOL (Figgers don't it?)
That is the final stage to a finished project. You can reach me at this Email or [email protected].. Thanks so much!  Craig

The only source of this information that I know of is the factory shop manual.   You can buy one from any of the automobile literature dealers, or you can watch eBay for one to come along.  If you want to get one quickly, contact Ed Faxon at
