Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1966 Mustang ignition - lost key, mail order stores, mustang fastback
QuestionI've lost the ignition key to my 1966 Mustang Fastback - price quotes I've received from local locksmiths to come out and cut me a new key seem outrageous. I can buy an ignition cylinder with a key from classic mustang mail order stores for much less, and would like to simply replace the cylinder if possible. How does one remove an ignition cylinder if one does NOT have the key? Thanks in advance, Dave
AnswerIf you are good with an electric drill you drill the cylinder out of the switch mechanism. The trick is to drill out the lock barrel without damaging the switch if you can. Start with a small bit, 1/8th inch or so, drill about an inch deep and go to a bigger drill bit. My advice for what it is worth not knowing your level of skill with tools? pay the lock smith.