Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1974 vwbeetle engine, buggy engine, vw beetle
Questionhello, I have a 1974 vw beetle but I think the engine is not the ine that came with car when new. The number above the crankcase is B5546 AD/AS 36560. I need to know what it is so I can start ordering parts since this was a Christmas present from my wife I do want to start to restore the engine first. Thankyou very much. It has RACKED my brain and about to drive me crazy.
AnswerThe number you have doesn't appear to be a VW number at all. Are you sure the engine is a VW engine? In model year 1974 the crankcase number started with AK-0-239-365. If this was a replacement VW crankcase, it would not have any number on the replacement. You could have yourself a Dune Buggy engine in there. Hope this helps...