Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1967 Volvo 122s motor mounts, volvo 122s, milk crates
QuestionHow do you change the motor mounts and how many are there?
AnswerThere are two on the front sides of the engine and either one or two on the rear of the transmission. To change the mounts you need to jack the car up and set it on safety stands. Never get under a car with just the jack holding it up and do not use milk crates or concrete blocks as safety stands. Then place a jack under the oil pan using a pad of wood between the jack and the oil pan to distribute the load. Place a little strain on the jack and remove the bolts holding the mount to the frame. Then lift the engine a bit and remove the bolts holding the mount to the engine. Slide the old mounts out and the new mounts in. Install the bolts between the engine and the mount finger tight and lower the engine to align and install the mount to frame bolts finger tight. Do not wrench tighten any bolts until all the bolts are installed. Then tighten all the bolts and remove the jack. Lower the car and take yourself for a ride, you have earned it.