QuestionI have 1948 Packard 2292. It has been modified with an electric fuel pump, which I have removed and purchased an original pump. The plumbing from the tank and to the carburetor had been modified. And I am unable to tell which is the input and output on the replacement AC rebuilt original, is the input on the air dome side or is that the output? Once I know that the rest is easy.
Also there is no place for an oil filter that I can find on this engine. Could you tell me where I might look for one?
Thank you.
AnswerThe air dome is on the fuel output side of the pump (it is there to cushion the pressure pulses, which reduces fuel pump noise).
Your model did not come from the factory with an oil filter, although some had them added over the years. Packard did offer one as an accessory to be installed by the selling dealer, but very few 2292s were so equipped. Oil filters were standard only on the top of the line cars.
Don't shed any tears over this, those early oil filters were "bypass" type - only about 6% of the oil went through the filters, so they were not very effective. You can take just as good care of the engine by changing the oil frequently (1000 miles or 6 month, whichever comes first).