Classic/Antique Car Repair: door glass, auto glass shop, 68 camaro
Question I have a 68 camaro, my problem is that i replaced glass, on the drivers door,(aftermarket glass) the glass pinches on the ends and has a wide gap in the center.(big enough to stick my finger into it.)The felts do not touch the glass at all. The glass runners do not seem to be bent. The door shell is not bent.The glass itself looks straight, I have adjusted the glass every conseveable way with no sucesse.Thank you for your help.
AnswerIf you have the glass adjusted so that the top edge is parallel to the roof line when the glass is all the way up, I think you were given the wrong glass. Take it to an auto-glass shop and see if they can give you any help - perhaps they will exchange the glass for the right one, or tell you where to find it.
If you want to investigate this yourself, take the other door apart and compare the two pieces of glass - one should be the mirror image of the other.