QuestionQUESTION: I brought my car to a 3rd party for oil change and winter maintenance package. Later, they said the Dexcool coolant on my car is below specification. It is showing only minus 28. They said the standard should be at least minus 45.
Since the intake manifold was just replaced by the dealer as well as a coolant flush made, I brought it to the dealer who said that -28 is higher than the standard. The standard is only minus 25.
Who should I believe?
Thanks for your help.
ANSWER: -25 is more likely. Also, unless you are driving your car in the 2008 Antartica Road Rally -10 should be quite sufficient.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: thanks for your quick resxponse,
I forgot to mention the num,bers I gav e were Celsius, not Farenheit. I also forgot to mention we're in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where the temperatures really can go to minus 25 very easily on very bad winter days.
Could you pls. confirm minus 25 Celsius is still okay?
AnswerYea those little details are important. Where I live we haven't even had a freeze in 4 years.
There should be a spec in your owners manual, but even then, it is only a spec.
If you get below -25, specs don't matter. Protect your car for the conditions you have it in.