Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1953 Chrysler Brake repair procedure, lockheed brakes, chrysler windsor
QuestionCould you give me the procedure for adjusting the brakes on a
1953 Chrysler Windsor with non-power brakes? I believe they are Lockheed brakes with two single cylinders per wheel on the
front and one cylinder per wheel on the back. Thanks in advance.
AnswerThere are two eccentric cams on each front wheel. Turn each cam until the wheel cannot be turned by hand, then back off just enough so the wheel can be turned. On the front wheels, the cam that adjusts the front shoe is at the bottom of the backing plate, and the cam that adjusts the rear shoe is at the top of the backing plate.
On the rear wheels, the procedure is the same except that the cams that adjust the shoes are at the 10 and 2 O'clock positions on the backing plate.