Classic/Antique Car Repair: Stock 49 mercury engine exaust, oil filler cap, holley carb
QuestionQUESTION: I have a stock 49 mercury with the flathead v8. Every time we start the car, we get covered with fumes that stick like glue to our clothing. The Holley carb does not appear to be running rich and the engine does not smoke. Weird because we also have a stock 39 merc flathead that does not have the same fume problem. Any light you can shed on what to look for to correct the problem would be helpful.
J Ed mc Graw
ANSWER: My first impression is for you to check for blow by coming out of the oil fill cap or the road draft tube under the car. But also a question. Is this just a smell issue sticking to your clothes or a real honest to goodness sticky substance?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
The road draft tube appears to have a white steam/smoke coming out of it as well as out of the oil filler cap ( new ) The fumes are in fact much so that a few minutes around the car running will send us to the showers. Again, no black smoke, no wet plugs, etc.
Thanks Brad . This one is a mystery since the 39 does none of these things.
J Ed Mc Graw
AnswerSounds like one of two issues. First contamination in the oil pan. Try an oil change and a filter change and while doing that check for anti freeze or water in the oil. If the oil is clean and fresh oil does not stop the problem there there is the possibility that the piston rings have lost some tension and allowing a little too much blow by into the crankcase. A very quick but very accurate test for moisture in the oil is to warm the car up to normal temperature. Pull the dip stick and allow some oil to run off onto a very hot manifold surface. Watch the action. Any moisture in the oil will cause the liquid to bubble as the moisture boils. Zero moisture the oil spot will just dry up.