Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1965 Buick Riviera GS, buick electra 225, 1965 buick riviera
QuestionQUESTION: What tools do I need to change the gas filter on a 1965 Buick Riviera GS? and is there a good manual out there for future repairs on the GS and a Buick Electra 225?
ANSWER: As far as manuals go check out They seam to have a pretty good selection. As far as the tools needed, what size engine are you running, does the car have the original Rochester Carburetor on it, and has the car been modified?
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QUESTION: Thanks Brad. The engine is a 425 Wildcat, carb is rebuilt and no other modifications.
AnswerThe fuel filter on that car is inside the fuel inlet on the carburetor. You will need a tubing wrench and if I remember right it is 5/8ths inch and a 1 inch open box end wrench. You need to remove the line and then remove the big nut that holds the filter in place. Be careful putting this back in place as it is easy to strip the retaining nut because the wrench that you need to use is so big and can deliver a lot of pressure. Good Luck.