Classic/Antique Car Repair: Setting the dwell, 1964 ford galaxie, point gap

I have a 1964 Ford Galaxie 500XL that has been sitting since '73.  I've been working on it for the past couple months and have gotten it to the point where its ready to be cranked and started.  Unfortunately in doing so, I'm not getting any spark so I'm looking to replace the points, condensor, and also the wire going from the coil to the distributor (as it seems to have a little bit of corrosion).  I'm aware on how to set the point gap but I'm not sure on how to adjust the dwell.  So if you could explain that, it would be greatly appreciated.

They are the same thing.....or at least two methods to the same end. The dwell is the more accurate mode of expressing how long the points fire, but the gap is what controls it. A good point gap should come up with the proper dwell. You adjust the dwell with the point gap, (if I recall it is inverse , for more dwell, smaller point gap). Chevy made this easy with their window and allen adjustable points, but the same result is possible of Ford, you just have to do it by trial and error.