Classic/Antique Car Repair: weather stripping around 1966 corvette coupe, vic williams, paint expert
Question Mr. Benjamin I am replacing the old weather stripping around my vent windows of my my 1966 corvette coupe. Is there any special way to take the old out and put in the new. Anything that may make it slide into the channel easier( like wd-40). Thanks for any help. Vic Williams N.J.
AnswerI'm sorry, as I say in my intro on this site, I am not a body/paint expert - I advise on mechanical issues only. If it were my car, I'd contact the vendor from whom you got the weatherstripping. The usual lubricant for this sort of thing is silicon grease, but you cannot use that if the weatherstripping is to be glued in place - best you talk to the people who sold you the stuff.
Sorry I can't be more help.