Classic/Antique Car Repair: engine / carb setup, ford pinto engine, windshield wipers

Hi there and hello from N Ireland, I have a kit car running on a ford pinto engine. The car runs fine when choked, either when cold or with your hand over the air intake of the carb. However when the choke is open the car stalls and wont run. Up to recently, the fuel to the carb was straight from the mechanical pump, I have recently fitted a regulator to try to even this out, which has made the problem worse. My options seem to be to increase the fuel going to the carb by adjusting the regulator, and change the fuel air mix? What would you advise.

Thank you , Jonny

Hello back to you, over there in the land of my fore-fathers!

Your car has the classic symptoms of a serious vacuum leak.   You need to get a can of WD-40 or a propane torch ( not lit!) and direct it to all the areas around the base of the carburetor, and also around the intake manifold - looking for any place you can direct the gas which affects the way the engine idles.  If you find a place where the engine speed increases when you direct the torch or WD-40 squirt at it, you've found your vacuum leak!  It is also possible that there is a hose that leads to some accessory (windshield wipers if vacuum operated, power brake, AC controls, heater controls - anything that uses engine vacuum). Anything like that can have failed and cause the leak.   It's a detective job for you!
