QuestionQUESTION: I'm trying to find the correct wiper switch for a 1964 Galaxie 500 convertible. My parts catelogs point to 3 options, how do I fine the right one for my vehicle?
ANSWER: Guess I am a little confused. The catalog should have options such as: with a/c, without a/c, deluxe model.
If you have yours, why can you not just match it?
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QUESTION: No it doesn't have those types of options listed. The only thing Dennis Carpenter (as an example) list is the wiper nob but there's nothing that tells me what that knob is connected to.
How about htis. I have flashers so I know both blinkers work but the turn signals don't work, what should I check first?
AnswerCheck the flasher for the blinkers. It is a different one than the flashers. It is ok to switch the one from the flashers to check it.
On the wipers switch, a call to my local auto parts lists them seperately. Don't know of a 'Dennis Carpenter' Do you have Auto Zone or O'Rielly's ?