Questioni replaced the oil pump and would like to know how to install the distributor and how to set the timing on it. And how to adjust the valves. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. thanks
AnswerOK Bobby, this is going to be a long answer as you have about 6 different operations in here. The first thing that you will need to do is to get number one cylinder to top dead center in the firing position. In a 4 stroke cycle engine the piston can come to top dead center twice in the firing cycle as it takes four stokes of the piston, down on the intake, up on the compression, making one revolution of the crank, then down on the power, and up on the exhaust making the second revolution of the crank to complete the cycle. To find TDC (top dead center) on number one:
1. Remove the plug on number one, the first cylinder on the drivers side of the truck.
2. Locate the the timing mark on the front timing case cover and front pulley. Clean it and mark i with chalk.
3. Hold your thumb over the spark plug hole, not in it, but covering it. Have someone bump the starter and feel for the compression coming out of the hole. The timing mark should be lined up. That should be Number 1 TDC.
4. The distributor should drop in so that the door that allows the points to be adjusted without removing the cap is about halfway between 11 and 12 o'clock with 12 o'clock point directly towards the radiator.
5. The rotor should be pointed at about 1 o'clock when the distributor is seated in place. Remember one the distributor gear engages the can gear it will rotate a bit.
6. It may be necessary to bump the engine over to get the tang that engages the oil pump to drop in and let the distributor seat in the block. Then bring the engine back to TDC firing stoke for number 1.
7. With the timing mark set at 4 degrees before TDC rotate the distributor till the points just open, and the timing is set.
Put the cap back on and number one spark plug wire should be the first wire after the point adjust door clockwise. The rest of the wires follow around clockwise 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 with number 2 being just over the point adjust door. The cylinder numbering is even on the drivers side and odd on the passengers side.
Adjustment of the valves is done with the engine running.
1. Remove the valve cover on one side of the engine after the engine has been run to operating temperature. Lay a rag over the valve rocker arms to limit the oil splash. Start with the first rocker and loosen the adjusting nut until the valve just starts to clatter.
2. Tighten the nut just until the noise goes away.
Tighten the nut a 1/4 turn slowly.
Wait ten seconds and tighten another 1/4 turn.
3. Repeat until you have turned the nut down 1 full turn. The engine should run rough between each adjustment and then smooth out.
4. Repeat with the rest of the valve.
5. Shut the engine down, remove the rag, and install the valve cover.
6. Repeat with the other side of the engine. Clean up all the spilled oil and check the crankcase level.
Hope all of this works for you.