Classic/Antique Car Repair: Cloth (Vinyl) Tops - 1931 Chevrolet Panel Truck, vintage chevrolet club, vcca

I have recently come into a 1931 Chevrolet panel truck (body by York-Hoover) where the roof is in need of restoration.  At one point an transporter put it on the top of his truck, carried it from San Diego to Toronto, and did untold damage.  the roof material peeled back exposing the wood ribs this later warped when they got wet.  I am prepared to do the woodwork.  I'm looking for the bes suppliers of the roof material and edging.

This kind of information had best be gotten from someone who is in the VCCA or some other antique Chevrolet club.  There are many vendors who would come up with something you could use, but if you want the right stuff, you need to talk to an early Chevrolet Truck expert.

Contact the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (VCCA) at

WWW.VCCA.ORG and find a local group to join - and ask around - you'll find someone who knows the answer to this.

I toured an extensive collection of antique Chevrolets including trucks back into the teens in Central California (near Porterville) this spring - and I know that person is very active in the VCCA and also very helpful to other restorers - a truly nice guy - mention his collection and the members will know who I mean.  He'll be able to help you for sure.
