Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1938 Pontiac clutch stuck, pontiac silver streak, clutch disk

Our 1938 Pontiac Silver Streak 6 sat up for awhile and the clutch froze to the flywheel.  I checked the linkage, then tried starting it in gear while holding the clutch down as well as running it down the road in 1st and jamming on the brakes while holding the clutch and neither method broke it loose.  I also took off the inspection cover and loosened the clutch bolts, put some spacers between it and the flywheel, and actuated the clutch a few times, and that didn't work either.  Is there anything else I can try before dropping the tranny to pull the whole thing off?  Thanks!

Before you do all that work, make a stick or something like that to hold the pedal to the floor, and just let the car sit that way for at least a week - two weeks would be better.  Then try driving it in HIGH gear (not first) with your foot holding the pedal on the floor, and just keep accelerating and decellerating repetitively - it may finally break loose for you.  If that doesn't do it, it's out with the transmission and clutch pressure plate, and then you still have to fight the rust that has the clutch disk stuck to the flywheel.   Sorry, there is no easy way.  Next time you leave the car for a while, block the clutch pedal down, and leave the parking brake off too!  Just block the wheels so it won't roll.
