Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1929 Model A speedometer, hemmings motor news, speedometer cable

In my 29 Model A an oval Stewart Warner speedometer is installed in the dash. It stopped working, I removed the cable and it spins freely. I connected a drill to the trans end and spun the cable and nothing happened but when I moved the cable in towards the meter, the meter worked. I removed the meter end of the cable( square end on cable) and it looked fine. It is almost like the cable is 1/2" too short and slips out of the meter end when both ends are connected back up. Should there be a locking device on the meter end so it does not slip out? Both ends screw into the meter and trans tightly. The cable is inside a metal flexible conduit and pulls out of the conduit very easily from one end. Any ideas?

Ed, it appears one of two problems. First someone may have at one time or another replaced the inner speedometer cable. Parts houses sold universal cables that could be cut to length and then a universal end could be crimped to the cable. That is the only device that keeps the cable from slipping out of either end. I would purchase a new cable from one of the many Model A suppliers around like Dennis Carpenter or Macks auto parts. Both advertise in Hemmings Motor News or on on line.