I have a 1966 Mustang coupe with a straight-six engine and a 3-speed manual transmission. Lately, I've been having lots of trouble with that tranny. It's been rattling way too much and it's ultra loose, which leads me to suspect more than a few loose bolts. However, recently I've been getting more rattle than expected, up under the hood. It almost sounds like the fan could be loose, but I just don't know. Think you could help me out? I'd ask for a list of all the things that could come loose and make a huge rattle on a '66 Mustang, but there's not enough room on the internet for that.
Answerthis is something YOU will have to find, but here is a little help anyway.
First, with the engine off, take you hand and actually shake things, including the car side to side. The fan, cowling, air filter, etc, can be checked individually.
Second, and coolest, get a short piece of hose (garden, heater, fountain tubing) about 1 1/2 feet to 2 foot and use it just like a stethoscope and touch it to parts of the car with it running and pinpoint the rattles.
Don't over look things like crossmembers, motor mounts and exhaust pipe and brackets.