Classic/Antique Car Repair: let there be light..., variable resistor, dash lights

i have a 57' chevy 4 door. none of the dash lights go on except for the turn signal indicators, and the glove box light. i'm not expecting you to be a mind reader, but maybe you could give me a few tips on how to make light. i already tried with the fuses and the bulbs. they're all new and okay.
should i be looking for a ground wire, or calling lay leno.

Jay Leno has been away from turning wrenches so long... If the directional signal indicator lights work the ground to the dash appears to be ok. I would first look at the resistor on the headlight switch that controls the brightness of the dash lights. This is a variable resistor which means that a wiper finger travels across a coil of wire to vary the resistance. It is not uncommon for the contacts on the wiper to get carboned up or the resistor burn out. Check it by dropping the switch out of the dash. On the connections, the two wires that are closest to the headlight knob are usually the dash lights. With the lights on there should be voltage at both wires. If there is voltage at only one then the switch is defective and needs to be replaced. Good Luck. Brad