Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1975 cadillac coupe deville brake lights and blinkers, cadillac coupe deville, 1975 cadillac coupe deville
Questionmy blinkers stopped working. the fuse was blown. I replaced the fuse and my blinkers would stay blinking when they were turned on and the fuse would blow again. My brake lights stopped also don't where to look for the ground wire. What are some troubleshooting tips for me on these two situation.
AnswerFirst, replace the flasher, They are cheap. It should make a difference one way or the other. Also, a very common problem is bulbs forced into the sockets backwards. If you look at the bulbs and the sockets, you have a shallow peg and a deep peg. A lot of people don't care and force them in either way. That will cause lots of problems.
It is a strong possibility the two problems are totally unrelated. I would approach them that way until I knew otherwise. If the first two items fix your problem, great. If not check the brake lights with the basics. Pull wires on the switch above the brake pedal and check for current. Also, input cureent and see if lights work and switch is bad.