Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1949 Cadillac Eletric, cadillac series, plug holes

QUESTION: I recently purchased a 1949 Cadillac series 62 with the 331 engine. This car had been parked in a garage since 1975 and not started at all. I did all of the things I was supposed to do such as the oil change, remove the pan and clean, clean out the carb, ect.
I am still unable to turn it at all by hand so, I dumped some more Marvel Mystery oil in the spark plug holes and I am letting that set. In the meantime, I installed a new 6V battery however, I was told that the car may have "reversed" wiring meaning that the red wire might actually go to the negative terminal on the battery. can you assist?

ANSWER: I don't know my Caddys well enough to know about your particular one, but 'positive ground system' should be easy enough to determine by following other wiring such as voltage regulator and horn relay.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Tazz....
First of all, thanks for the answer.. I am still messing with it but, it looks like a positive ground.
My next question has to do with the fan.  I am used to the fan being turned with a belt and the fan clutch actually engaging the fan to make it spin however on this car, the fan won't move at all. I am guessing that the fan is some kind of a direct drive type thing. I was able to turn the engine by hand about 1/2 rotation before it stopped but, the fan didn't turn at all. Am I missing something?
Any assistance would be great.

fan is on a belt and it is easily possible your water pump is froze.

try turning it back and forth (even slightly) and notice the water pump and belt slippage.

By the way, clutch fans are kinda a 70's thing. Some earlier car had them, but they were not popular at first.