Classic/Antique Car Repair: overheating, cast iron engines, kawasaki mule

have you run across overheating caused by combustion chamber buildup resulting in a compression measuring 20 to 30 psi above maximum spec?  Have tried water and trans fluid poured into the intake while running with little result.  Any additive or procedure you can think of short of taking off the manifold to clean out carbon? make and model not important but it's a 2 cyl watercooled Kawasaki Mule.   Thanks.  Clem

no I have never heard of such a thing. I have seen exhaust chamber fires caused by this, but I would think buildup would actually have the adverse effect. You are intaking less combustable gas with a smaller combustion and resulting in less heat created.

Certainly glad you added type of engine because I certainly could have given some very bad advise for a jacketed aluminum motor.

On cast iron engines they used to sell a light acid wash that did a good job, but this would have been fatal to your engine.