Classic/Antique Car Repair: Chevy 454 starter prob., southwind motorhome, chevy 454
Question I have an 1987 Southwind Motorhome that has problems starting. Usually when it's warm and I shut it off it will act like it has a very low battery when you try to restart. It usually did restart after several attempts at trying to start it. Now after it has been sitting for about 1 1/2 years without being started...I put a fresh battery in it and cleaned all connection for battery system. I then tried to start motorhome and it immediately sounded like a dead battery. It was just barely turning over and then started the clicking sound.
I have heard on the 454's that either the starter or solenoid or both have problems with overheating from the exhaust manifold causing them to fry or burn up inside.
I'm wondering if you could give me any advice on this problem I'm having...Thanks Dan!!!
AnswerMy experience has been this 75% of the time it is a bad ground. I have looked into other causes and it always comes back to a bad ground wire somewhere.
The 454 also sometimes require shims, but that is another issue altogether not causing battery drag usually.