QuestionQUESTION: I have a 1969 Buick Riviera. It has a 430 V8 motor from a 1968 wildcat in it. I just bought this and I'm trying to get it running all it does is make one chug noise eache time I turn the key. Where should I start. It hasn't been driven since 1999.
ANSWER: Ok, here are suggestions IN ORDER that I recommend for every engine that has sat for a while.
1. Pull all spark plugs and put a small spray of WD-40 or Marvel Mystery oil in each cylinder.
2. Turn engine over with starter on a good battery. Engine should spin fairly easily with little noise other than air being forced in and out of cylinders.
If it does not turn over or creates some other noises, you know to look further BEFORE trying to start engine.
3. If all goes well, put plugs back in, using fresh gasoline in the fuel system, try starting engine.
If, as in your case, it makes a single rotation or partial and stops, you have generally a backfire or backcompression stopping the engine. Timing is usually the culprit and is simple enough to check.
These 3 steps, done correctly, with save many hours chasing problems that would have shown up during these test.
Try this and let me know your progress.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I took all the plugs out, sprayed in some WD-40, and then I put a socket and breaker bar onto the bottom pulley and I was unable to budge it. What's my next move?
Answerok, if it honestly will not move either way with the plugs out, trans in park or nuetral and all other factors fine, you probably have dropped a connecting rod. HOWEVER, you said it would make one chug everytime with the starter. Was the noise the engine turning once, or something else such as the starter 'dead heading'?
If the starter turned the engine, you will be able to turn the engine. If the starter originally actually turn it, make sure the starter is not jammed.