Classic/Antique Car Repair: delco remy horns, delco remy, james bond 007
Questionhave two horns : delco remy #'s 1951095 and 1951086 what cars are they off of. Found in dads garage in box wanted to know what make and model off of.
AnswerThis one is a bit out of my realm, but I think that I would take the part numbers down to my local Chevy, Pontiac, Buick, Cadillac or GMC dealer and ask the guy in the parts department to run the number to see if it is still in the catalogue. I have had a fair amount of success doing this. If not you are going to have to play James Bond 007. Motors Manuals and Chilton both published Flat rate and Parts guides that listed factory part numbers. It is going to take some digging.