Classic/Antique Car Repair: 57 ford tbird 312 engine., holley carburetor, float bowls
QuestionQUESTION: The vehicle was in storage for 12 years. It has a holly 4bbl carb. I cleaned the carb as there was sludge from standing so long. I put a rebuild kit it the carb. The vehicle starts but does not seem to want to idle. It should like it is starving for fuel. There is a new fuel pump, gas tank, lines cleaned and filters replaced. The bowls are full. The pump in the carb appears to be working OK. Can you advise as to what the problem may be:
ANSWER: David, I forgot one thing. There is a tube that runs through the heated section of the intake manifold on that engine. This tube brings exhaust heater air up to the automatic choke. This tube has been know to rust out and cause a crummy idle. If there is any evidence of exhaust residue in the automatic choke cover then the tube is rusted through. You can check the tube with a hand held vacuum pump like a Myty-Vac. Connect the Myty-Vac to one end of the tube and cover the other end, on the other side of the manifold, with your finder. Check to see if it will hold vacuum. If not pull the manifold and visually check the tube and replace as needed.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks again for your response. Would you resend the original response? For some reason, I deleted it from my emai. I looked for it in past answers but unable to find it.
Thanks again.
AnswerI am sorry for the delay in this reply. The Holley Carburetor that you have uses different float bowls and space or metering plate on the front barrels than on the rear. make sure that you have not mixed them up. Make certain that the float levels are right on the button. On the Holley Carburetor the float levels are checked by removing the small screw on the sides of the float bowls with the engine running and turn the nut under the lock screw on the inlet valves until fuel just dribbles out of the holes. With the metering plates off spray carburetor cleaner through all passages and make sure that the secondary throttle plates are closed tight at idle. Good Luck.