Classic/Antique Car Repair: 94 chevy caprice ls, distributer cap, chevy caprice

QUESTION: I have replaced my plugs and wires. I need the firing order for my distributor cap & motor

ANSWER: what engine do you have? OR just check with the store you bought the parts at, they will be happy to give it to you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have a 4.3L V8. I called the store all they have is the firing order for the motor. I still need the firing order for the distributer cap. My distributer is behind the Marhonic Balance.

there is only one firing order for an engine. It is what connects the distributor to the plugs. The order you place the wires in the distributor IS the firing order.

Example: if your firing order is 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 your TDC is at 12 o'clock on the distributor cap and your rotation is clockwise. you put the wire going to #1 plug at 12 o'clock, then on the next hole to the right you will put the wire going to #8, then next holes #4, etc.