Classic/Antique Car Repair: Shifter align/adjust for chevy 3 speed on colum, 1967 chevy c10, metal washers
QuestionI need advice on how to adjust the shifter on my 1967 chevy c10 pickup. I can shift between reverse and first but when i try to go to 2nd and 3rd the shifter on the column seems to bind. If i manually shift the linkages under the hood I can shift to 2nd and 3rd but not to reverse and 1st. please advice. I can be reached at the above emails
AnswerThe secrets to shifter alignment are 'no slop' and 'perfect neutral'.
No slop - you must make sure there is no free movement at the end of the shifter rods. This can be remedied by a combination of rubber and metal washers on either side of the dog ear. An often overlooked area is the shift ears coming off the transmission itself. It is usually a fitted key way with retainer nut. If the key way is rounded out, there is no amount of tightening the nut that will solve this problem. I have welded the key way before and then ground out the shape needed for a tight fit.
Perfect neutral - with the ends of the shifter rods disconnected at the column, move the shifter 3-4 times through its pattern of gears and them come to rest at neutral. Move to the transmission itself, and move the ears several times until each is in neutral. (Remember if one is in gear, the other won't move). Then look and see if the shifter rods will fit perfectly into the holes they are supposed to. If they don't, adjust the rods without moving any of the ears. This is essential for smooth shifting.
Once everything is in perfect alignment, it will shift correctly through all gears. If it does not, you have internal transmission problems.