Classic/Antique Car Repair: Pinion seal, rear flange, pinion shaft

Hello Tazz,
1953, 2601, Ultramatic trans, Packard.  Terrible leak at the pinion seal.  Rear U joint has two removable clips to seperate the yoke from the rear pinion flange.  After I remove the two clips, remove the two trunions and slip the shaft out of the flange, what do I do next??  Take off the nut holding the flange on the pinion shaft?  After the nut is off, is rear flange pressed on the shaft or will it just slide off? I am planning on reusing the crush sleeve.  What is the best/easiest way to remove the seal, and install it.   Sorry for the verbosity.  Regards, Steve

Remove nut holding flange and it should slide off (slide being such a strong word) You may need a few gentle taps, but remember it is cast iron.

I can't honestly remember the seal set up. Whether it is packing or mechanical. Either should be able to be pried. I have seen rare cases where you have to remove shaft for clearance enough to get seal out. Pray for different scenario.