Classic/Antique Car Repair: rewiring 1954chevy pickup, delco alternator, resister color code
Questioni,m wiring my pickup for an alternator with voltage regulator built in. my question is on the delco alternator,terminals 1 & 2. text books show term. 1 going to battery and term 2 going to ingition switch with a risistor. how do i determine the value of the risistor, so the battery dosn't get over charged?
HI well the resistor if I remember right , it is a 3 inch long white glass like material with a sealed resistor inside of it, or as far as a regular resistor, you can go to the library and look in the elect. books for the resister color code chart, or buy one at RADIO SHACK and you go by the colors to get the resistance and voltage. ok